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Spolupráca so SnazzyBee na projekte systému skladového hospodárstva, ako aj jeho prepojenia s existujúcou platformou online obchodu a fiškálnou pokladňou bola od začiatku neľahkou výzvou. Na prístupe firmy si osobitne vážim nielen ich promptnosť a schopnosť profesionálne riešiť menšie alebo väčšie výzvy s implementáciou systému spojené, ale najmä proaktívny prístup pri navrhovaní rozšírenia, prípadne zmien systému tak, aby spĺňali nielen naše základné požiadavky, ale aby zároveň šetrili čas i náklady našej spoločnosti. Osobitne si cením najmä schopnosť promptne zapracovať potrebné zmeny a rovnako reagovať aj na potreby iných dodávateľov, ktorí sa na komplexnej implemntácii systému podieľali. Spoluprácu s firmou odporúčam jednoznačne každému, kto hľadá na Slovensku dodávateľa kvalitných a spoľahlivých služieb.

Zinzin - concept store

Marián Kočisík, CEO

If a small company is flexible and offer a quality, this company has a chance at labour market. In addıtıon when company is able to react for the requirements of the labour market, fast adapt and ability to change the product / service ıs the way how suits to the clients. In the same way the company also has to firstly be good leaded and secondly don’t lose any important information or data. And this is what can be solved by SnazzyBee. Behind our ideas are standing skilled people also all processes are connected with this solution.

In Form Slovakia

Erika Jankajová, CEO

I’m an executive manager in the company RoWe Services, spol. s r.o., which is long time active at the labour market. Because we didnt want make our internal system by the "trial – error" method, we were looking for a profesionals, which could satisfy our requirements for making and affordable and functional solution for our business. After negotiation with companies and testing more options, we choosed SnazzyBee as the best and unique company for manageing our database. This company is for a several years offering us a inovative solutions, which we sucsessfully implement. The big satisfaction, we recommend

Rowe Services

Roman Weidinger, CEO

Our dynamically developing company provides innovative solutions and consulting in the field of nutrition, plant protection and biostimulation. We use Snazzy Bee in order to manage cash flow, invoices and orders. 


Shell operates in Slovakia in various areas. Now nobody can not imagine Slovak market without Shell petrol stations, an extensive range of automotive and industrial oils and lubricants and other petrochemical products. Shell Slovakia uses Snazzy Bee CRM, financial and project management module.

Shell Slovakia

SnazzyBee helped us get rid of the messages and offers in Excel. SnazzyBee has bringed others positive effects, like better control of manufacturing process, simplified billing. From the management side is very pleasant the option of instant statistics, whether during the working day or also at weekend, because the stuff are at cloud. We see the space for development others useful functions, like for example online tracking the storage of material inputs, or instant email or sms comunication with the costumer acording to the status of his order. SnazzyBee is helping us to make our Tuli bussines better.


Martin Guttman, CEO

Our company since 2008 using Snazzy Bees features. For us the most usefull part is Project Management.



Space Systems, s.r.o.

Račianska 69/B, 831 02 Bratislava

+421 908 175 753,